
I produced this book in 2018 at Stratfor. The images are mostly from Getty and Reuters. The book was printed and distributed in the U.S. and Europe.

Buyer’s Guide produced at Trendkite / Cision in 2019.

I produced this Preliminary Budget Book for AISD while working with ESC13, Austin, in 2020.

I produced this children’s book in Spanish for ESC13, Austin, in 2020.

I worked with Kony to set up and initiate a complete marketing piece – a “coffee-table book”, to be handed to potential clients. My objective was to start an InDesign file with the right number of pages, character and paragraph styles, and  redo or design missing graphs and schemes. Kony completed the copy.

Media Kit template produced in 2017 at Stratfor. 

White paper produced for Argus Media, 2019.

One of the 20 business presentations that I developed while at NewEra Portfolio, 2012. It introduced a SaaS solution.

Another booklet produced for Kony, 2019.

Infographics / brochure produced for Argus Media. Houston, 2018.

Produced at Stratfor, 2017

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